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Christmas music

Christmas music merrily wakes the echoes;
Hark! hark! how it freights the air;
While the storm-king holds his wildest revels,
Flings, flings snowdrifts everywhere;
From the belfry in the tower,
In the chapel on the hill,
Harmony descends like silver shower,
Or like sweetly flowing rill.

Christmas music merrily wakes the echoes;
Hark! hark! over the city’s streets;
Pealing clearly while the snow is falling,
Pure, pure covering all it meets;
The cathedral’s deep-toned thunder
Joins a sweetly chiming bell,
And the passer, lost in joy and wonder,
Lists what metal tongues can tell.

Christmas music merrily wakes the echoes;
Hark! hark! sounding far and near;
Happy children lend their flute-like voices,
Praise, praise Christmas joy and cheer;
Sweetest music of the heart-strings,
Swept by fingers skilled by love,
Gives to life a charm so true, endearing,
Earth becomes like Heav’n above.