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Unto God be highest glory

Unto God be highest glory,
And on earth good will to men,
Since the Prince of Peace is born;
Tell afar the wondrous story,
Sing Redemption’s song again,
On this festal Christmas morn.


Merry Christmas, merry Christmas,
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas.
Hallelujah! Joyful praises now we bring.
’Tis the birthday of our King,
And with angels we will sing
Glory to His Name, Amen.

Now with happy hearts and voices,
We to Christ our tribute bring,
On this blessèd Christmas day;
In His light the world rejoices,
While the bells of Heaven ring,
And the shadows roll away.


Let all nations join the chorus
Of the everlasting song,
That the heav’nly minstrels sing;
God’s eternal love is o’er us,
Shout for joy, O earthly throng,
’Tis the birthday of our King.
